The Usual Stuff

Saturday 16 May 2009

First Ever Bmw(BMW 3/15 PS)

The very first BMW car was the BMW 3/15 PS, also known as Dixi DA 1. At first, the
Dixi DA 1 was no more than an Austin Seven, produced under license by Eisenach
Fahrzeugfabrik in Germany. BMW bought this company in November 1928 as they
wanted to start producing cars. The Dixi DA 1 was produced from 1927 until 1929.
The first genuine BMW Dixi was the Dixi Da 2, introduced at the end of 1929. This
was the first car that had the now famous blue / white BMW emblem. The Da 2 was
basicly the same as the DA 1, but now with some important improvements, like
adjustable seats and better breaks. In 1930 the DA 3 came available. This car was
a two seater Roadster, with a 18 HP 4 cylinder engine, reaching 100 km/h. No more
than 150 DA 3 cars were made ... The Dixi Da 2 remained available until 1932, when
the license with Austin ended. At the same time, BMW introduced their first own
design, the 3/20. It had a 20 HP 4 cylinder engine and was produced until 1934...

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